Capitalist ownership

美 [ˈkæpɪtəlɪst ˈoʊnərʃɪp]英 [ˈkæpɪtəlɪst ˈəʊnəʃɪp]
  • 资本主义所有制
Capitalist ownershipCapitalist ownership
  1. Capitalist ownership or socialist ownership ?


  2. In a matter of six or seven years the socialist transformation of capitalist ownership and of individual ownership by small producers has by and large been completed .


  3. And then , an analysis of the difference between capitalist ownership and pre-capitalist ownership ;


  4. After World War II , Japanese capitalist ownership system changes from scattered private share capital ownership system to corporation capital ownership system .


  5. They also depended on national capitalist ownership and on ownership by small producers , that is , petty-bourgeois ownership .


  6. This section includes the study of the pre-capitalist ownership ; study of capitalist ownership and social ownership of the vision for the future .


  7. And finally , to grasp and to understand the relations of capitalist ownership from structure of contents in each of three volumes of The Capital .


  8. Evolution of the Relations of Capitalist Ownership - A Study of Ownership Thinking in The Capital ; That theory is concerned with rational functions instead of just polynomials .


  9. National capitalist ownership was the fourth skin , and the fifth was ownership by small producers , that is , individual ownership by the peasants and handicraftsmen .


  10. We can 't attribute the share possession , share control and share management as public hold or public ownership or else we will misunderstand the contemporary capitalist ownership and seriously mislead the reform of Chinese state ownership economy .


  11. The experience of the socialist practice has demonstrated that the substitute of the capitalist ownership by socialist public ownership is a gradual process . The share economy that derived from capitalism is the transitional form of socialist share economy .


  12. But under the condition of the capitalist private ownership , the above three rights belong to the capitalist .


  13. Therefore , the interests of harmony must be achieved by eliminating the old division of labor , capitalist private ownership .


  14. Capitalist private ownership engenders human dissimilation to object , which makes money become the regnant power of society .


  15. As long as land ownership exists , whatever condition the capitalist land ownership is under , absolute land rent will not disappear .


  16. Three types of developmental patterns exist in his theory of ownership : 1 . private ownership of small producers capitalist private ownership reestablished private ownership ;


  17. Firstly , the twofold unilateralism caused by capitalist private ownership results in the division of art as capital and something to be immediately possessed .


  18. The contradiction between the socialize production and the capitalist private ownership become the basic social contradiction gradually and with the development of productivity it became increasingly sharp .


  19. The social and economic system has been changed ; individual economy has been transformed into collective economy , and capitalist private ownership is being transformed into socialist public ownership .


  20. Comments on the Superiority of Socialist Public Ownership from the Achievements in the Key Construction of Our Country & Concurrently Analyses the Irrationality of Capitalist Private Ownership


  21. However , western journalism is founded in the basis of capitalist private ownership , which decides the concept cannot solve the deep and basic contradiction and paradox .


  22. On the Being Patterns of Capitalist Private Ownership & A Note in Reviewing the Books of K · Marx and F · Engls


  23. Its roots in the socialization of production and the means of production , the contradiction between the capitalist private ownership , that is the basic contradiction of capitalism .


  24. On the basis of the achievements in the key construction of our country , this paper analyses and explains the superiority of socialist public ownership by comparing with capitalist private ownership .


  25. The modern process of Indian society is slow relatively , undoubtedly being attributed to capitalist private ownership , state monopoly capitalism and Indian peculiar cultural system ( such as religious etc. ) .


  26. Finally she ends in tragedy . Her ruin typically represents the economic contradiction with men due to the development of capitalist private ownership and reflects all kinds of disasters of the aristocratic women .


  27. To Marx , the " proletariat ", in order to obtain freedom , must first of all destroy capitalist private ownership , and then become " man of property " through the " rebuild personal ownership " .


  28. However , in capitalist private ownership , they work not because of the innate need but because they are enforced to satisfy the need of eating , drinking , sleeping and so on which are equal to animal functions .


  29. Our policy , including the confiscation of the land of the landlords and the enforcement of the eight-hour working day , never went beyond the bounds of capitalist private ownership ; our policy was not to put socialism in practice then .


  30. The last two skins , namely , national capitalist and small producer ownership , were targets of the socialist revolution .
